
Empowerment Strategies



About Scott

I have a lifelong passion for fitness, nutrition, and holistic well-being.

For the last 30 years I have designed multi-faceted programs to enhance and optimize health. Certainly exercise is a major component, but not the only one. To that end, I maintain a depth of knowledge regarding nutritional programs to enhance the results achieved through physical exercise.

The final component of my unique approach is a practical expertise in addressing emotional issues of clients. A master's degree in marital and family therapy gives me the tools to address those things that keep clients from becoming the greatest manifestation of who they really are: fear, self-doubt, or unwillingness to leave their comfort zone. The most expertly designed fitness and nutritional programs are worthless for clients whose emotional issues keep them from achieving their goals.

Trainer Certification

My certification as a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine is one of the most well-recognized and respected certifications in the fitness industry.

NASM-CPT Certificate No. 1180235101